Saturday, June 13, 2015

Info about Science Difference

I was reading "An Emerging Mind" by V.Ramachandran (a brilliant book by a brilliant neuroscientist if I might say so). In that he mentions of people capable of pointing to objects even though they are blind. This is because the eye is working and sending signals to various parts of the brain and the "screen" and the "spatial arrangement centers" are different. So they still know something exists to where they are pointing but cannot "see" it. Even in this case, people should not know that they are missing out on something unless they compare with someone else. Like a person born blind cannot know that others can see. What if there was a planet full of such beings?

Information About Wrestling

The most common sport which is popular among the school children these days is wrestling. Children switch on the television when they reach home and start to watch the real and lively entertainment. Those it’s a very dangerous sport child tend to watch. Many children love their favorite superstars when they come out and wrestle and win the match. It’s a good evening pastime for many children since they get bored whole day long sitting the class rooms.Wrestling also incorporates children to tune themselves to fitness training and also into the sport called Body building.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Love for Chocalates

When it comes to chocolates girls love it and when it comes to ice creams little children love it. Chocolates and ice creams are relished by everybody these day because for their taste. It’s a symbol of happiness, love and affection. It’s not restricted to only girls and little children, people of all ages love to eat those chocolates and ice creams. The real happiness and the smile are seen to the children when the parents buy them a handful of chocolates and ice creams. Moreover these chocolates tend to be stimulants in all forms. They have a spectrum of stimulant chemicals which makes them most lovable and also the most wonderful ones to eat.

Lightest notebook review

Lighter than the rest and better than the best, the Apple MacBook Air is the winner in the 'light-weight' notebook market. A mix of the MacBook and the Pro in terms of technology and a wafer-thin display, the Air is a stunner. Rich Screen, sharp interface, sensitive track-pad, all-aluminum body and decent battery life, all packed into one light box. One heck of a piece!