• You may have known various online real estate networks out there in the market and make sure that you select best online real estate network with best information. The coldwellbanker.com is one of the best online real estate service providers available in market with high quality information of tax credits. The few tax credits that are listed in coldwellbanker.com network are that the first time home buyer could get are first-time homebuyers, or those who have not owned in the last three years, can receive up to an $8,000 tax credit, there may be no future extensions, so all qualified homebuyers are urged to act and have a written, binding contract by April 30, 2010, income limits are now $125,000 for singles, $225,000 for married couples with a $20,000 phase-out of the credit for both. If you are a first time home buyer and looking forward to get information on real estate tax benefit and housing stimulus available in market, then coldwellbanker.com would be the best option and the right place to check out the information on tax benefits. The following video from coldwellbanker.com network would provide clear information of tax credits available for first time home buyer, or those who have not owned in the last three years in the country.
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